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Brow Lift or Forehead Lift in Birmingham AL

A More Refreshed Appearance with Upper Face Rejuvenation

Brow lift model

As we age, unsightly wrinkle lines may appear on the forehead. Frown lines between the brows can make us look angry or "too serious." Skin relaxation may cause the eyebrows to drop, hooding our upper eyelids and making us look tired.

If you are bothered by these signs of aging in the brow region, a Brow Lift, also called forehead lift, may be right for you. This cosmetic surgery procedure:

  • Reduces wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead and at the top of the nose.
  • Improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows.
  • Raises sagging brows that hood the upper eyelids.
  • Places the eyebrows in a more alert and youthful position.

A brow lift at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, Alabama rejuvenates the upper portion of the face and gives you a more refreshed and youthful appearance. We have the right solution for you with a number of brow lift options designed to meet the goals of each patient. Contact us today to ask about scheduling your consultation for a brow/forehead lift.

Brow Lift Candidates

You may be a candidate for a brow lift if:

Other cosmetic procedures that may be performed in combination with a brow lift include eyelid surgery, facelift and skin resurfacing.

Your Brow Lift Consultation

During your brow lift consultation, be prepared to discuss:

Your brow lift surgeon will also:

Brow Lift Risks and Safety

Each patient must decide if the benefits of a brow lift will achieve their goals, and if the risks and potential complications are acceptable. The risks of a brow lift, or forehead lift, include:

Brow lift risks will be fully discussed prior to your consent. It's important that you address all of your concerns about risks with your plastic surgeon. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure and any risks and potential complications.

Preparing for a Brow Lift

In preparing for a brow lift, you may be asked to:

Brow lifts are performed at our accredited Outpatient Surgery Facility in Birmingham, Alabama. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery and stay with you for at least the first night after surgery.

Brow Lift Procedure

You will be given anesthesia to keep you comfortable during surgery. Your surgeon will suggest either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

Endoscopic Incision

An endoscopic brow lift is performed using small incisions hidden within the hairline. An endoscope (a thin tube with a camera on the end) is inserted though these incisions to provide your plastic surgeon with a clear, magnified view. The tissue and muscle beneath the skin are then adjusted to correct the source of visible creases and furrows in the forehead.

Endoscopic brow lift before and after
Endoscopic Brow Lift incision

Coronal Incision

A coronal brow lift involves an incision from ear to ear across the top of the head within the hairline. The forehead skin is then lifted into its new position to raise the eyebrows and tighten the forehead. The overlapping skin is removed and the incision closed. The resulting scar is well-concealed on the top of the head within the hairline.

Coronal brow lift before and after
Coronal Brow Lift incision

Hairline Incision

A hairline brow lift is performed through an incision made at the front of the hairline. Excess skin and tissue is removed from the top of the forehead, rather than the scalp, to tighten the forehead. This technique is often used for patients with high foreheads and a receding hairline to avoid making the forehead more prominent. The scar, while somewhat more visible, can often be hidden with bangs.

Brow Lift Recovery

Following your brow lift procedure, your forehead may be taped and/or your head may be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling and bruising. A thin tube may be present to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect under the skin.

Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself after brow lift surgery. Following these instructions is essential to the success of your brow lift. The instructions may include:

Do not use ice or heat on the operated area. Keep your head elevated and avoid vigorous physical activity for as long as your surgeon recommends. You should be ready to return to work and normal activity after 10 to 14 days.

It's important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion or motion during the time of healing. Sutures or clips will be removed when appropriate.

Brow Lift Results

The results of your brow lift are immediately visible. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as post-surgical swelling and bruising resolve and incision lines fade. Cosmetics can help camouflage any bruising. The final results will appear over the next few months, revealing smoother forehead skin and a more youthful, rested appearance.

Although good results are expected from your brow lift, there is no guarantee. Life-long sun protection will help to maintain your rejuvenated appearance by minimizing sun damage. A healthy lifestyle will also help extend the results of your rejuvenated appearance.

Brow Lift Words to Know

Procedure Information © American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Hedden and Gunn Plastic Surgery

Brow Lift rejuvenates the upper portion of the face to give you a more refreshed, alert and youthful appearance.

Birmingham, AL Office & Surgery Suites

Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery
140 Village Street
Birmingham, AL 35242
205-980-1744 or 800-HeddenMD
American Society of Plastic Surgeons * American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery *
* Dr. William Hedden, Dr. Stephen Gunn
Hedden and Gunn Plastic Surgery

Contact Us Today

Questions About Facial Rejuvenation?

Contact our plastic surgeons in Birmingham, AL today to learn more about a Brow Lift or Forehead Lift at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery.

To schedule your consultation at the earliest possible date, please call 205-980-1744.

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