Restylane model Injectables Restylane – Natural-Looking Beauty

Love Your Lips with Restylane Silk

Restylane Silk is specifically formulated for enhancing the lips and smoothing lines and wrinkles around the mouth. Your ideal lips are finally within reach with this FDA-approved dermal filler delivered with care, precision and artistry by our cosmetic surgeons in Birmingham, Alabama.

Restylane® Silk works in five key areas to provide natural-looking results by using smaller, smoother hyaluronic acid particles than those used in some other products of the Restylane family.

Where does Restylane Silk work?

Restylane Silk

Lips-to-eyes relationship A line drawn upward from the corner of the lips should hit the midpoint of the pupil of the eye.

Defined "cupid's bow" The "cupid's bow" of the upper lip is most attractive when well-defined and the two sides look the same.

Fullness in the center Lips look most beautiful when the center fullness tapers off at the corners.

Side-to-side symmetry From one side to the other, lips should be symmetrical for a pleasing appearance.

Projection on profile When viewed from the side, the upper lip should project slightly beyond the lower lip.

Love your Lips with Restylane Silk at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery

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Call 205-980-1744 today to make your appointment with the facial rejuvenation professionals at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery and Spa Greystone

Restylane Procedure Information Restylane Before & Afters

Birmingham, AL Office & Surgery Suites

Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery
140 Village Street
Birmingham, AL 35242
205-980-1744 or 800-HeddenMD
American Society of Plastic Surgeons * American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery *
* Dr. William Hedden, Dr. Stephen Gunn
Hedden and Gunn Plastic Surgery

Contact Us Today

Questions About Injectable Treatments?

Contact us today to learn more about long lasting results with the Restylane family of hyaluronic acid fillers in Birmingham, Alabama.

To schedule your consultation at the earliest possible date, please call 205-980-1744.

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